How did a Southern-born Louisiana girl make the jump to living in Peru full time and traveling around the world with an indigenous elder?

I followed my heart. Made impractical decisions. And stuck to it.

You may think that is magical, mystical, or completely out of reach to travel with an indigenous elder. But its really not. Its challenging, and not for the faint of heart, but beautifully rewarding if you are willing to receive the teachings in whatever package they come in.

The true teachings don’t come through single ceremony initiations. They come through each prayer offered, and committing to personal practice to walk through the heavy moments with faith. An initiation is really about being open and available for Spirit to move through you and integrating these observations in daily action.

The teachings did not come through a sit down session with my elder, like a pupil would with their professor to learn how to do sacred rituals…. It came through observing a life of simplicity and humility.

My elder shows me a state of being that allows me to see a true reflection of who I am and how I am acting. He presents me a gauge for seeing where I can calm down and be here now with no excuses. How to make clear decisions and not doubt afterwards. This, rather than talking or commanding, is how we can all be a model for others.

The teachings came from being okay with not understanding a 2,000 year old language and just chewing the coca leaves in observation— absorbing the paradox of feeling alone around company yet feeling more at home there than anywhere else.

When he says “coca is wisdom”, its about reading between the lines and hearing that he is telling me to listen to the subtle essence of a sacred plant, not ask questions to a human. I have found that tea ceremony is the same and can be experienced around the world without restriction.

The teachings came from the quiet. From enduring rough times and turning to prayer for strength.

When he repeats “the spiritual path is not easy”… it is to understand he too overcame immense hardship though deepening his faith, and this is what brought him to mastery. This depth of faith is available to all of us.

When he says “Don’t worry, just pray”, it is about the choice to finally do that without making excuses.

I did not get free weavings and sacred items over the years, because these are not the key. (Instead I received gentle blank stares that showed me where I am really at.) It is not about the physical objects, its about the personal cultivation of practice and the receptivity to the universal lessons that are available anytime anywhere.

The teachings came from finally trusting that all the details do not have to be planned out because Mother Earth (Pachamama) and Great Spirit (Wiraqocha) have a much grander plan. The prayer keeps me in connection with that plan.

The knowings did not come from talking about every issue that came up and running for advice from a friend. It came from quieting and listening to creation.

There is a whole movement developing around the need for “initiations” from elders and labeling it as so. I do not personally understand this movement.

From what I understand, initiations are tools to call in strength and reinforcement to fulfill our life calling. The initiation will not give you the life calling.

Life is a bit hard after an initiation because we have a newly deepened responsibility to nature and God to continue that sacred communion and conversation with living energy. If you mess up.. that is rough.

Ask my maestro about prophecy and he will give you a friendly blank stare. A look that says “What are you talking about saving the world? My whole world exists here in family, health, food, service, and prayer. I live Life.”

What have I learned in 3 years in service of an Andean Meastro?

1.) Follow your intuition, this is creation guiding you.

By following my heart’s desire for where to be and when…even when it did not make logical sense… I stepped into becoming an apprentice without even knowing that was what I was getting in to.

 2.) What we seek is not mystical or magical. It is real life. A state of being to be in communion with creation in every moment.

We can pray without any physical resources and be in this communion on a daily basis.

3.) We are all human. An authentic maestro/maestra is simply a human walking in service. A person that chooses to hold a particular state of being, that models our potential, and is assessable for all to reach.

If you are looking for a perfect human being to give you all the answers to life, that may be a very long search. If you trust that Creation is indeed that perfect state, then you may harness the qualities that are beneficial to life and walk as a model in service too.

These lessons are the foundational inspiration for why we offer Retreats in Peru and Song Bath Journeys in the U.S. It is an opportunity for anyone, anywhere, to follow your heart and share intimate time to receive personal benefit from practical life teachings. Join us this September and October to sit with the elders, and come to know yourself more deeply if you feel inspired.   (Use Discount Code “SacredScience” for 5% Off)

-Carolina Putnam

5 Responses

  1. Follow your intuition, this is creation guiding you.
    What is Intuition and how do you recognise it without thinking you may be having “crazy thoughts” about what you are feeling?

    Could you send me some comments of your own feelings on the question written above?

  2. I would like all the information you can provide me with this retreat in Peru. Your website doesn’t provide any info on who to call and speak to to schedule a month of treatment. Can you please help and guide me in info? Have health conditions pending.

  3. I would like all the information you can provide me with this retreat in Peru. Your website doesn’t provide any info on who to call and speak to to schedule a month of treatment. Can you please help and guide me in info? Have health conditions pending.

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