An Ancient Prayer For Compassion In Any Situation

No matter who we are or how spiritually enlightened we become, there will always be moments in life when our compassion toward others is challenged. It might happen while in line at the grocery store, or when you receive that unwanted sales call, but most likely, it’ll sneak up on you while you’re stuck in […]

A Native American Prayer To Awaken Your Spirit

Sometimes all we need in order to change our current reality is a little wisdom, spoken to us with gentleness and a pure heart. I came across this powerful Lakota prayer a few days ago and wanted to share it with you. I hope it helps you on your path. I know it did for […]

A Fiery Druidian and Celtic Tradition

Lughnasadh Fire Ceremony

Today I’d like to share some earth wisdom with you from across the Atlantic Ocean, within a culture that the modern world has all but forgotten. This weekend, we celebrate a time-honored holiday that is very sacred to the Celtic/Druidian traditions here in the United Kingdom and Ireland. It is called the festival of Lughnasadh […]

Words Of Wisdom From A Native American Icon

Native American Activist Russell Means

Today, I’m excited to share an interview we filmed with the legendary Lakota elder Russell Means and his wife Pearl a few summers ago. I’ve spoken with many wisdom keepers in my life, but this talk stands out as one of the highlights of my career. The inspiration for this piece came from an interview […]

The Pagan Roots of Easter

A Variety of Pysanky Easter Eggs

Spring is here! Birds are laying eggs and joyfully singing in the morning. Wildflowers are popping up and fruit trees are blossoming as bees and butterflies swirl in the breeze. People are falling in love, planting seeds in their gardens, cleaning their homes and decorating them with flowers. Fertility, new beginnings, hope, and beauty are […]

The Unsung Secret Of Thanksgiving

Whenever Thanksgiving comes around I flash back to second grade and those construction paper Pilgrim hats we used to cut and paste together. In those days, this pre-Christmas holiday meant nothing more to us than a four day weekend with a ton of food and, if we were lucky, some early snow to sled on. […]

Wisdom From The East…

Over the past decade of studying different ancient medicine traditions, I’ve been amazed at how many similarities exist between them. Whether we’re talking about Amazonian Shamanism, Ayurvedic medicine, or the ancient healing traditions of China, the principles that these schools of knowledge are built on share many commonalities – which is probably why many are […]

This Ojibwe Healing Ritual Will Move You

Person Offering a Cup of a Plant Medicine to Another Person

A few months ago, we were invited to attend a tribal gathering in Northern Wisconsin. We must be doing something right, because the elders also agreed that we could bring our cameras with us! Many people associate this Great Lakes state with cheese, but for us this region holds far more meaning than that. The […]